Nucleus 2017
August 7, 2017
Encounters 2020
July 4, 2020
Homeland 2015
September 19, 2016

Shevet 2019

The Offering - Stoneware clay, Ceramic Glaze Materials, Screen-Print, 18 x 33 x 33cm

Shevet is an ancient Hebrew word possessing multiple meanings. Whilst it refers to being seated or settled, it also signifies an extended family group or clan, a basic belonging unit that shares a permanent or an interchanging geographical area.

This series of artworks explores protection, spiritual arming and resilience, as metaphors for cultural place and belonging. The structures created are of reiterated elements reminiscent of ancient vessels, bonded together, suggesting a ceremonial procession. In uniting repetitive singular elements, these works awaken conversations about people, the individuals that connect to a groupand the sense of security within. Incorporating Hebrew scripts of prayers and blessings for protection within the surfaces, these artworks bring forth the notion of vulnerability and its juxtaposition with fortitude and unification.

In order to create forms that resonate with my concepts, I have developed a framework in which a specifically formulated ceramic body is incorporated within the construction.The work is built with a robust hand building clay, incorporated with layered delicate ceramic glaze materials, textured fabric and steel mesh. Screen-printed script is applied, and dry glaze employed to complete the form. The final sculpture is complex, in its ability to combine strength and fragility through its innovative use of ceramic materials.